The Story of A Landlady

At first, I am confused if I would write this story in English or Indonesian.
In the end, I decided to mix both languages, so you guys can learn
English and the rest can learn Indonesian.
Please guys, learn Indonesian since Indonesia will be one of
the giant part of world's economy.
Fair enough, right? 

Pada suatu waktu, hiduplah seorang wanita bernama Ibu Rina. 
She owns a boarding house.
Actually, it belongs to her husband.
Ibu Rina is just delegated to run the business.
No, don't imagine ibu kost with rol rambut everywhere and koyo cabe nempel di pipi dan pelipis!
Here she is.. Ibu Kost glamor dengan gigi kelinci bak Olla Ramlan dan selebriti masa kini lainnya.
Aaaandd..please welcome Pak Ledut, Bu Rina's husband.

He works in Abu Dhabi as an engineer.
Living a long distance relationship with Ibu Rina, he
constantly sends his wife loads of
romantic texts like this:

Hey mommy what r u doin? Have you eaten? Daddy miss you sooo muchhh

You know, for most Indonesian this kind of text is considered veeeery very very romantic. Levelnya kira-kira setara lah dengan tembang "Because of You" dari Keith Martin.


This is the boarding house named Wisma Nganturu.
It is originally derived from Javanese phrase "wis mangan turu" which means "after eating, then sleeping".


Senin, 14 Juli 2014

The Story of A Landlady

At first, I am confused if I would write this story in English or Indonesian.
In the end, I decided to mix both languages, so you guys can learn
English and the rest can learn Indonesian.
Please guys, learn Indonesian since Indonesia will be one of
the giant part of world's economy.
Fair enough, right? 

Pada suatu waktu, hiduplah seorang wanita bernama Ibu Rina. 
She owns a boarding house.
Actually, it belongs to her husband.
Ibu Rina is just delegated to run the business.
No, don't imagine ibu kost with rol rambut everywhere and koyo cabe nempel di pipi dan pelipis!
Here she is.. Ibu Kost glamor dengan gigi kelinci bak Olla Ramlan dan selebriti masa kini lainnya.
Aaaandd..please welcome Pak Ledut, Bu Rina's husband.

He works in Abu Dhabi as an engineer.
Living a long distance relationship with Ibu Rina, he
constantly sends his wife loads of
romantic texts like this:

Hey mommy what r u doin? Have you eaten? Daddy miss you sooo muchhh

You know, for most Indonesian this kind of text is considered veeeery very very romantic. Levelnya kira-kira setara lah dengan tembang "Because of You" dari Keith Martin.


This is the boarding house named Wisma Nganturu.
It is originally derived from Javanese phrase "wis mangan turu" which means "after eating, then sleeping".

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