Everybody Needs Some Praise


(Overpriced) Coconut Jelly Pudding

3 kali


Things I Love

Selasa, 15 Desember 2015

Everybody Needs Some Praise

This morning I watched a TED video about how to encourage children's potentials to the fullest. And you know what? It can be reached by praising. At the initial ages, children can be praised by their intelligence, like when their toddlers can stand or walk by himself parents can say "oh how smart you are", but at the next age parents should praise their children by the process like "you are really good. I appreciate that you've tried hard on this".
Prof. Rhenald Kasali in his book describes about the education system in USA. Teachers should not criticize or blame their students, they are allowed to encourage instead.
Yeah, praising may have a close relation to encouraging or giving a motivation.
I remember a story about a woman who stopped developing her talent because of  her husband kept criticizing her and they got divorced. One day she married a loving man who always praised her, this made the woman find her confident again and finally explore her talent and become great. 
When I recall my memory about my childhood, I remember how seldom I got praised by my parents. They nearly praised me for something I achieved, and tend to compare me with others instead. Maybe this has some effects on my personality, or maybe not.
But I'm very thankful that now I have a spouse who loves to praise me :) 
When someday I have kids, I promise I will give them much love and generous amount of praise :D


Rabu, 11 November 2015


Mother : jangan sering-sering kumur pake listerine!
Me : kenapa?
Mother : ngga bagus. Mending pake air rebusan sirih yang lebih alami. Listerine itu membunuh semua bakteri termasuk bakteri baik.
Me : ah sebaik-baiknya juga tetep aja bakteri. Jangan ketipu sama tampang baiknya. Harus hati-hati jaman sekarang tuh
Mother : ??!#*@$

Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015

(Overpriced) Coconut Jelly Pudding

Kemarin saya mampir ke foodcourtnya Riau Junction bersama teman. Makan, ngobrol-ngobrol sampe haus dan akhirnya memutuskan ngemil coconut jelly pudding ini.

Cukup menggiurkan ya? Pudingnya campuran air kelapa dan bubuk agar-agar, dimasukkin ke dalam kelapa import Thailand. Ada dua varian rasa: original dan milk. Rasanya segar dan lembut. Berasa minum air kelapa tapi bisa diemut-emut dulu haha. Cuma sayang kebetulan kelapanya ga begitu enak. 
Nah kenapa saya bilang overprice? Karena harganya 37 ribu rupiah 'sajaa' ahaha.. Mayan yaa

Rasa : 7
Harga : 6

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

3 kali

This post has been saved to draft for a long time somewhere in my brain.
Here's a list,
Seumur hidup saya, baru 3 kali yang namanya ngga bisa tidur gara-gara kepikiran sesuatu:
1. Malam sebelum milih jurusan kuliah di lembar formulir pendaftaran.
2. Malam sebelum sidang skripsi
3. Sepulang nonton film Comic 8 di Ciwalk dan makan baso Barbel di suatu hari..

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2015


Ia adalah paradoks yang merusak semua teori yang pernah aku baca.
Tidak semua, tapi ada beberapa.
Ia seorang yang membuatku merasa sia-sia membaca ciri karakter Mars dan Venus.
Karena ia lebih dari sekadar makhluk Mars.
Lebih baik.
Lebih sabar.

Maha Suci Allah

Kamis, 02 April 2015

Things I Love

1. Painting 
2. Interpreting
3. Spanish